Thursday, March 27, 2008

wiki and beyond

i love the idea of wikis. you hear about them and may use them but to actually be actively involved in a conversation, especially planning a holiday, would be great. i can benefits such as book clubs doing a virtual book discussion with other book club members who have read the same book, connecting with youth to find out their wants, needs or desires for a library environment, groups of people getting together to discuss same interests or sharing skills/knowledge....endless really especially outside the library environment. but with most things time constraints would be the only casualty for me to become actively involved to pursue for personal reasons, much to my dismay....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

RSS. frustrated???

Bloglines.....interesting, great for people with little time, but to find the time to check it out is limited. I chose feeds that dealt with photography as thats an interest i would like to keep informed about. This can be beneficial to have my favourite blogs (yes i have a few that i am now intersted in) all come to one meeting point to save me going to each individually. I can see how libraries can benefit, very similar to elists, but possibly open to more people....still trying to get my head around it. will comment further when understand better...
like cathy j i have found this a little frustrating in regards to adding the feeds let alone trying to find ones from favourite websites or websites that i want to read from....

time will tell with this one....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

flickr...not the horse

The benefits of flickr are staggering. I didn't know a lot about this but know that I do my friends in NY will be bombarded with photos of my 'backyard'. I chose this photo as it reminded me of my first horse when i was seven years old.