Monday, March 19, 2012


As we are covering each topic, keep in mind question 3 of your assessment in regards to professional development. Can any of this applications be used or incorporated into your continual professional/personal development once you have finished this course?

Can any of these applications also be used in section 1 and 2 of your assessment? Keep these thoughts in mind as you work through your assessment.

There are some postings missing from blogs in regards to some of these topics. Please make the effort to post a comment in relation to each individual topic (and how they are or are not relevant or serve a purpose in libraries) as this may help with your assessments. Also remember to comment of other postings as well.

For those who are posting or using some of these applications personally already, thats great. Keep up the great work.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

This is certainly a great topic/class for creating awareness! I can honestly say that I am much better informed about the many different forms of social networking and social media than i was before. I'm not sure how many of them I will use personally once we have finished this exercise, but I can certainly see many benefits for adoption in the workplace.